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Marketing your product, service/ business during the pandemic

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Hello Everyone!

First of all, should you be marketing right now? Absolutely - always!
In a way, it’s more important now.

But let us say one thing before we get to how the pandemic might change your marketing strategy. We assume that you have a product/service or business that benefits people in some way. If it doesn’t, then we’re not sure what you’re doing! Shouldn’t we all spend our precious time, creating, selling or servicing people in a way that helps them or makes them happy? We think so! 

Ok. Now that we’ve got that covered, we can focus on marketing your product, service or business during the pandemic. Let’s start with how your product/service/business fills a need or improves someone’s life. Times are tough for people these days so it’s even more important to ask yourself ‘how am I helping my customers right now?’ What am I offering them that will make their lives better? Once you’ve got that clear in your mind think about who you are helping. Your target customers… WHO are they? Are they the same customers you were targeting before the pandemic or have they changed? This piece is important because you may have been selling your product or service to a subset of the population who are now incapable or unwilling to keep buying the same product or service. If this is the case, you need to set your sights on people who need your product or service now.

Really dig into who your customers are and what they’ve been experiencing during the pandemic. Put yourself in their shoes. 

Now we can focus on communicating to them (marketing). Ask yourself: What can I do to make them feel special, valued, listened to? Think about it. In Bermuda, you’ve got people who have less expendable income and people who may have more due to being stuck on the island and not vacationing abroad for example. Your customers' lives may look very different. Your customers may no longer be your customers!

You may have new potential customers waiting on the sidelines – people who are looking to spend their money locally in Bermuda due to the pandemic.

Or, you may find that your customers still want your product or service but they are in a tough spot and you will need to be very compassionate towards them and their situation if you want them to continue to buy from you. Read our ‘Target & Tone’ post here to continue reading about your company's tone of voice : how you should speak to your customers.

The next step is to decide how you will reach your customers or potential customers. 

You’re probably thinking online... and that’s certainly a good start. Organic social media engagement and paid ads are an affordable way to market your business. People are also online now more than ever during the pandemic however that also means you’ll need to craft better more impactful content to get noticed.

While I would recommend digital marketing to almost any business today, don’t forget to think of other ways you can reach your customers. Radio, press, podcasts, TV, influencers, cross promotion (through another business), flyers, experiential marketing (in other places of business), business cards, and email marketing (great if you already have a list of potential or repeat buyers!) are all fantastic options depending on what you are offering. 

Best of luck!

Much love,


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